
Archive for May 9th, 2013

I was engaged in a convo with M this evening. He told me about how he witnessed his parents’ love and how they go through their marriage. It warms my heart that such “love” still exists, though I am not that lucky to witness one.

In my belief and which is not beyond my logic, love only occurs when two people meet, both parties satisfied with each others’ qualifications, agreed with both terms and conditions, at the right timing until one party starting to get unsatisfied with the qualification, more demanding with the terms and conditions, and let say one of them has started to stop trying. Trying? Yes, in a nicer way to define, nobody is perfect (well, no one is named nobody, right?). People’s expectations are always higher than what normal people can give, so in short it’s how people starting to tolerate and accept each other’s flaw until one of them stops to tolerate and accepting.

I am still waiting for that one person that makes me believe such an unconditional love exists. Cheesy enough. But as I said, it’s called expectation and hope when it’s difficult to be reached.

And, don’t ever date someone who claims love doesn’t exist. Been there, done that, and it was one of my most awful experience.

Well, let’s move on

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